Etsy & Seeds

Did you know you can buy seeds on Etsy? I was reading an article about Monsanto (the big bad bogey seed company) recently and remembered I need to restock on a few seeds that we are low on. For those of you who don’t know about Monsanto, then here is the short end of the story. Monsanto is the big bad wolf of the seed world. They notorious for GMO seeds and buying smaller companies and waving their magic wand to make them disappear. You can learn more from the documentary “Food Inc.”

Back to seeds, I found this great website that lists a number of vendors who sell organic, non-GMO and Monsanto Free seeds. To my surprise a few of these vendors have setup shops on the Etsy website. was founded back in 2005 to provide crafters and vintage purveyors a place to sell their wares. Today the site has grown greatly. Basically it’s become an online antique market, craft fair and so much more. 

Today the site has several vendors selling several varieties of seed. Today I purchased some new seeds to our collection. I was getting low on Basil and bell peppers. I also picked up some chives and strawberry seeds. Right now I am exploring something we’ve never done before. Growing our own coffee bean plants.