What A Ride to Get to Five

This has been a long journey, in August of 2008, we started down this road to add to our family. After 6 transfers and choosing 3 surrogates. Tracy helped us in introducing the two little additions to our family. Paley is beside herself when she got the news at 2:40am.

​Lochlan Post Arrival

Our son LOCHLAN ARCHER arrived at 2:40am and measured 19inches and weighed over 6lbs.

​Margot Post Arrival

Our daughter MARGOT ZARA arrived fashionably late. Our surrogate Tracy will certainly have something to say to her when she's up and about. Margot arrived at 4:02am and measured over 19 inches and weighed over 7lbs.

Everything from their names to their numbers is a play of letters and numbers. For example:

The number of letters in the names

Paley = 5

Margot = 6

Lochlan = 7

or the A to Z spread of the middle names

Archer ----- McCauley ----- Zara

or the jumble of the delivery time - 2:40am & 4:02am

love these crazy coincidences........

We received a phone call from Tracy around 10am about her being at the hospital because of heavy contractions. Clem and I were both up there by 12:30pm and the ball was rolling. She went from 3cm to 5cm in less than 2 hours and then it continued to progress. A doc at the hospital was not comfortable delivery twins before 35 weeks and requested that her case be transferred to SF. It was now 330pm and the ambulance was an hour out. Which meant Tracy would have to sit not only in regular commute traffic but also World Series Traffic. 

We pushed back hard to stay or at least be transferred to another local hospital. The doc wouldn’t budge and in the end we had to relocate. Luckily my dad heard my prayers and when they checked her before transfer she had dilated from 4.5 to 5.5. We were staying.  And it was confirmed by the new rotated docs that the babies were coming within the next 24 hours. Now yesterday happened to be our wedding anniversary and we both concurred it would be cool to share it with the twins. Tracy noted that her two previous kids were both born on Thursday. In the end Tracy won and she keeps her 3-0 record delivering on a Thursday.

They broke the water around 1am and with an hour she was in heavy labor. She was being setup in the OR between 2:15-2:30am and by 2:40 Lochlan was out!!!! Margot on the other hand was a tough cookie. Tracy labored for another hour and twenty minutes and finally Margot made her appearance. Both of them came out happy and crying and passed all the hurdles. The twins are in the Nicu because they are only 34 weeks but they are making progress. Tracy had a rough couple of hours after delivery but she is also on the mend and finally SLEEPING!

Here we sit in the Nicu enjoying our two latest additions. Paley is on her way and can’t wait to meet her new baby brother and sister. Can wait to record her reaction to the twins. For now Clem and I would like to thank all of our friends and family for their support and special thank you to Mimi, Ama & Grandpa, Uncle Chris & Aunt Diane for all their help. A special thank you to the Charnaw’s and Horwitz’s for their help in keep us calm back in August. Also thank you to Jackie, her team, Mary, Shelly and Dr. Zouves for everything they did for us. 

Lastly we are truly blessed that Tracy, Logan and their whole family sacrificed so much to bring this day to reality. This is our reality but for Clem and I this a dream come true. We have 3 amazing little ones in our live who make the world so much brighter every day. No matter how much wicked this way comes. We love you all and Tracy and even Diana (who carried Paley) words cannot express our affinity to you both.

BRIAN H-KComment